Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Countdown

ok here we are just a few days from the movie opening and things are going fast. premiere, hop on the redeye, fill in for regis, do letterman---all to mobilize our people and our people's people to see this movie so we can make more and more of them and take mulder and scully into their old age. or close. did the press junkets this weekend, 10 hours a day of answering the same question and as i blabbed on and on i realized a couple things---this movie is really about the eternal balancing act of love and work, of passion for a goal or quest and passion for a man or woman----this is mulder and scully i'm talking about. this partnership plays out in a emotional way while they are tring to solve this freaky (my kids' word) mystery that may unravel and unravel them. the case pushes mulder away from scully but also toward her, love and work impossibly intertwined until a choice must be made. what is the choice? see the movie.

batman's got everybody scared that we can't do business, and well, it is some kind of a box office juggernaut. but i want to believe. i want to believe that our loyal fans will go see us right away (see some of you at the premiere tomorrow) and they will bring friends who never watched the x files and they will tell a friend and we will become viral and keep growing and hang on for weeks. a boy can dream. see you at the movies.



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Chelsea said...

Ok, now I am feeling guilty for moving to another state this weekend instead of going to see the movie. If they weren't kicking me out on Monday...

I will comfort myself with the extremely large DVD boxed set that doesn't fit on my DVD shelf.

Antonella said...


I want it to be a HUGE success and do hope that we (the fans) can somehow bring out non fans friends and let this movie be a success at the box office!

I love you guys and can't WAIT to see this movie on friday :)

and watch you on regis (MULDAH! i love it when you go on regis lol) and letterman :)

wishing all the best for x-files: i want to believe (and i soooo want to believe!)

Carlotta said...

Hi David,
I tried to write to you more than once (with Frank was easier), but I don't know why I wasn't able to do it..maybe because I spent 15 years seeing you in television and I really wanted to say something deep or smart in case you'll read this.. well, today I decided to celebrate the X-Day with this short message, wishing you good luck and telling you that you can dream about a great success, but with this movie you guys made us dreaming again after 6 years like it happened that far september 10th, 1993..
good luck and thanks a lot for everything!! see you in London!!!

Rachelle said...

Dear David,

I am definitely going to see this movie as soon as it comes out here (which is, unfortunately, on august 8th). But at this point I'm already certain it's going to be a huge success. The X-files has a big fanbase, we're all going to watch this movie and we're all excited about it! And yes, I am bringing to non-philes who I'm shamelessly trying to convert to X-philes. ;)

I heard you saying in an interview you don't want any 'junkets' for XF3 if a 3th movie comes out. I can imagine all the stress and energy it takes to do all these interviews, but do you really hate doing it? I have to say I love to watch you during interviews, you're a funny guy. I especially love watching you and Gillian doing interviews together, it's funny to watch you two interact and tease each other.

I wish you all the best and of course a lot of fun during the premiere. I wish I could be there, but I'm already excited about the stories and the pictures being shared afterwards.

Take care,
The Netherlands

MM said...

I am bring three friends (two of whom have never watched The X-Files) to the midnight showing tomorrow night ... CANNOT WAIT!!!

Hope all the others out there will do the same, this movie needs our support if there are going to be others.

DD: Thanks for everything you do and good luck in the future.

Sophie said...

OMG David!

I am counting down the seconds - only about 18.000 seconds - then I will be sitting in the midnight premiere of IWTB in my local theatre here in Marburg, Germany... Gee! I am sooo looking forward to it!

As a preparation I watched all of the episodes again - finished yesterday - just in time... ;) Tell ya' it took me about 2 months to go through them all! But it was definitely worth it... :D

Take care! And have fun at the premiere! ;)

Greetings from Marburg, Germany!

Unknown said...

Please know that as tedious as it is for you, your fans are thrilled with your appearances on the junket and that we appreciate your generosity in creating this blog. Your comments make the whole experience more meaningful and immediate. I also love the idea that you might read something I wrote as I will never be able to express my appreciation for your work in person. It sounds from this post that the movie will succeed in honing in on all the things that have kept The X-files alive in our hearts all this time.

Here are a couple of things I've been thinking about:

We know that Fox Mulder was named for the fledgling network whose success you are largely responsible for. But has his name ever been explained in the context of the show's reality?

The series did a great deal for the letter "X" (seriously!). Have you or Gillian ever been invited to guest star on Sesame Street as its sponsor?

Should you and Gillian want to do a non-X-files project together, I have the perfect name: "Not Another X-Files Movie"! And it occurred to me that you two would be great in a remake of "A Star is Born". (Not that the world needs or even could TOLERATE another version of "A Star is Born", but don't you think..?)

Being silly, but cannot tell you how glad I am to have another chance to see you two in action. Wishing you the greatest success in all things until you blog again!

Colleen said...

Well, I'll be doing my part. I'll see it Friday with my mom, Saturday with a friend and Sunday with my sister. I can't believe we are finally getting a new X Files movie!! Have fun at the premiere.

Chris H. said...


Yeah ... Batman is a little scary right now ... but I'll do my part first thing Friday.

M.F.Luder said...

Yeah, only 24 hours til i can see the 2nd x-files movie ... can't wait. my friend and i will go to the theatre, and he is not a fan what means i will take kind of a stranger with me.

heared about the movie only some weeks ago and couldn't believe it, i am so stoked and looking forward to 2morrow eve - the entry cards already exist :-)
Ya never know ...

as i saw the trailer (german) i was very disappointed for a short while, Mulder's german voice has changed because the guy who gave him the voice wanted more money than fox wanted to spend :-(
looking forward for the dvd and watch it in the original version !!!

when did the plannings of this nice project started ?

wish it will be a great success


wich there will follow some more movies

pleeeaaase !

thank You for this great series, I watched all episodes during last winter & spring, and love most of them, especially the "funny" ones like "bad blood" or "small potatoes". it was great to see 2 totally different people made by one person.
but "home" is really great, too. kind of scary ...

good luck for You and Gillian and the rest of this great crew for 2morrow !
I just love the show.

DutchDD said...

Good luck tonight! and again we will spread the word for you, Gillian, Chris, Frank and the rest. We will believe.

It will rock, not matter what happens.

Lots of luck, see you in London!

All my best,

Amy G. said...

Best of luck, I am sure the movie will show great and do well. I can't wait to see it!

xo Amy in Niagara Falls, NY

dee said...

Well, think of it this way. People who want to see Batman this weekend are FAR more likely to choose the X-Files if Batman is sold out than, say, Mamma Mia.

But I think you'll do just fine.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know...I'm 55 years old and I conducted a viewing marathon last weekend for the twenty-somethings I work with. I picked 20 episodes I felt were essential to understanding the Mulder/Scully dynamic. I even held a Q&A session after each episode. I have them all organized to head over to the theater from work for the 5:30 showing. So yes,David,we'll be there. Don't you worry. You need to remeber hoe BIG this fandom is.

cuddlebutt said...

On the plus side, with the huge amount secrecy surrounding the film, fans are clamoring to read anything they can get from you, even if it is yet another response to "What was it like working with Gillian?" or "Was it easy to get back to being Mulder after playing other roles for so long?" or "Do you store your socks and underwear in the same drawer, or are they kept separate?"

Fandom is weird.

Anonymous said...

Never fear. Fans are going crazy over here for the London premiere (see you there) and although Batman is doing incredibly well at the box office, I'm sure XF can capitalise on that.

We're rather persuasive; we'll drive people into cinema seats in drones!


theresa said...

I want to believe that the ridiculous figures Batman is putting out mean that the entire movie-going population of the planet has already seen the movie this week...their numbers for a Monday night alone were ridiculous!! This does scare me and it's funny how I realized yesterday that I feel such a vested interest in how this movie does because I do find these characters so compelling and the way that faith, trust and belief are put into question.. I do want to see more in the future. I will be there Friday and I'll bring a friend.

PS I caught a few of the interviews from the press junket and i don't know how you guys do it! it's not just that you are asked the same questions all seems like they are the same questions you've been asked the entire time the show aired on TV! yikes! anyway, thanks for doing it despite that and trying to bring these characters to the audience into the future.

janetC said...

Dear David,

Oh ya....I finally have this chance to post on the first page. I'm so nervous right now. I am from Taiwan, a little country with 20 millions of Yankees fans (that's true, in fact my folks are watching the game right now and it's 2am here).

More importantly, I'm a proud member of a fan group called "The X-Patients" in Taiwan. We had met each other, as you can guess, on the internet while discussing about the show, we gathered to make a Chinese-language e-newsletter, including first-hand translations of the English news, articles, interviews, and our own writings about the show, all voluntarily. I think we were the biggest fan-based "publication" in Chinese. Gee, am I sounding like the Long Gun Men here? :P

We only had the show until season 7, after you left. (See, you also have LOTS of fans in Taiwan!) Due to technical problems, we stopped making the newsletter, and the passion seemed to fade away. But as we heard the 2nd movie is finally coming true, we got together in no time and turned the newsletter into a blog(, hoping to wake all the hidden X-philes up and have them in the theatres, over and over again!!

Sorry I babbled. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you, I have been a huge fan of yours for years, I really enjoy this blog and is translating your articles into Chinese, so that more fans can share. I hope it is okay for you. BEST WISHES FOR THE MOVIE AND FOR YOU TOO!!

Taipei, Taiwan

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Corinne said...

I say, there's no doubt that this film will be great. Sure TDK will be there, but there are sooo many people waiting, they'll be there too.

Rox said...

I just want to say THANK YOU and GOOD LUCK!!!

Unknown said...

Good luck with XF2 - I will be going to see it on the 1st August with a friend who has never watched the original programme. Hope you get a decent break after all the hard graft.

Can't wait for Hank part 2!

Northern Ireland

Anonymous said...

No worries! I think that there are some sort of subliminal messages or something supernatural in the series that causes abnormal dedication. The fans are evangelists and we are all doing are part to recruit new fans for you all! I, too am bringing some friends who haven't seen the show (or vaguely remember it from our college days).

Now go get your groove on tonight and let the fans do the rest!

xloverin said...

Hi David!
I'm one of the few people who already seen the movie :-D (special premiere in Prague, Czech republic, yesterday) So I know what you're talking about :-D I was surprised by the amount of people that got yesterday with me to the cinema, some of them wearing suits and FBI labels :-D So it is like you said, the fans are stil out there!!!
Best wishes,
Dana, Slovakia

Jupi said...

Hi David,
I cant wait to see the movie on Friday. Im seeing it with 2 people who were casual viewers of the Xfiles.

Heidi Rat said...

Ugh, I can't even imagine sitting there and repeating yourself for hours and hours on end. But the interviews are so fun to watch! So thank you for that.

Also, you said in one of them that you can't whistle. I thought I was the only one on earth who couldn't do that! All these years I've had to hum along to the theme song while countless friends pointed and laughed. ...and whistled.

iNailediT said...

I think most of the fans will see the movie one, two or three times (probably in a row) the first days, and most of us have converted their family and friends to the show so there's nothing to worry about, fans will be there.
Press junket must be tough though and as I watched them all,I felt like I couldn't do this all day and be all smiley, so I just wanted to say how much I admire you and Gillian for this.
I wish you the best for your other projects, Californication, and movies to come.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for all your hard work and everything you guys have done for us fans! I'm doing my duty as an X-phile and dragging my whole family to the theater even though we're on vacation. :)

Can't WAIT to see the movie!!

Anonymous said...

I'm taking the day off so I'll be watching the movie Friday! Maybe twice if I can find the time. I already bought my tickets. I'm taking two of my friends (X-Files Virgins). I've always been a big fan of your work and I'm crossing my fingers that XF IWTB will be a great success.

Best of luck!

Grace said...


As I watched the videos and read the interviews pouring out from this weekend's junket, I was simultaneously floored by the tedious time devouring nature of the machine which both you and Gillian have coped with while, at the same time loving every precious word that sprung forth from it. It's nice to hear that the repetitive exercise generated such lovely reflection by you on the nature of the movie and the relationship between Mulder and Scully. I look forward to enjoying such reflection myself when I see the movie at the midnight showing in my small town.
I'm looking forward to seeing you on your continued press runs, on the big screen this weekend, on the small screen this fall, and hopefully teaming up again with Gillian to save us from the aliens sometime before 2012!
Remember: The Fans Are Out There (in more ways than one)!

Caitlin said...

hey david,
I'll cross my fingers for you and everybody and I'll be at the midnight showing here in santa rosa. see you at the movies, and good luck. thank you.

silentlau said...

I´m from Spain and cannot go to the premiere, but I´ll go and see tuçhe movie with my friends tomorrow!!! Yeah!!!! I can´t wait!!
GOOD LUCK, I want to believe too!!

Tassia said...

HI David,
I'm going to the theaters at least 10 times. I know that i will love this movie. And i hope a lot of fans do the same.
By the way, I saw batman and I didn't like so much, it was nice, but not perfect, wonderful. People sometimes talk too much. I prefer X files. Forever!

Anonymous said...

Oh! My God! People can see the movie this friday and this month are so lucky. Im so jelous of them...As i told you before we have it here still in a month...dont gonna cry!

You guys have our support to the third movie, if it was for us you can allready count with that movie...

Thank u so much for this amazing 15 years and your words...

and don't forget: There's hope



Fede said...

Dear David,

I have no words left to express the joy and the excitement I feel for the movie, which I tried to pass on to friends, family and co-workers (successfully, I may say!)
Unfortunately in Italy the movie is coming out on September 5 (damn!) but we will do our part!

Thanks for putting up with us, I can only imagine how tiring the press and promotion machine must be for you and Gillian as well, but I for one felt pure joy in reading and watching your interviews in these particularly hard last few days.

So, thank you.
Greetings from Italy!

Unknown said...

Thank you David. Your little hints are so intriguing.I can't wait to see this movie and will do so with a very excited group of friends at a midnight showing. I have never done one of those before, but I am looking forward to it as it should be loaded with the most invested fans. Then we will go out and see it again and again. And, by the way, Batman will have to wait till later ;)

Thanks again and get some rest :)

virginie said...

well that's beautifully summed up! I wish I could be there and see you all and scream at the premiere! but I'll have to wait 30th July and see it with French philes! can't believe we're so close! I'm sure it's been worth the wait and the film will be a success, I for sure will go and see it plenty of time!
take care and have fun at the premiere!
Virginie from France

Anonymous said...

Hi David!

I'll be watching this movie with 40 or so other Philes tomorrow! wow, it's really tomorrow for us german philes... can't believe it after such a long wait! Anyway, that'll be a great experience I'm looking forward to! :)
In regard to the press junket: I almost felt pretty sorry for you and Gillian to answer all these questions over and over again, but it's so enjoyable to see the two of you together doing these interviews! :)
Thank you so much for that and good luck for the premiere (which I will observe via livestream even if that means I'll have no sleep tonight) and for the movie!
I'm already looking forward to XF³! (a girl can dream too, right?! ;) )

David Duchovny fan said...

My Bevoled David,

I'm taking the day off and I am going to watching the movie this Friday! I already bought my tickets. I'm taking five of my friends. I've always been a big fan of your work and I'm sure that IWTB and the second season of Californication are going to be a great success.
Tell us more about your next film THE JOVENES, please?

Anonymous said...

NO worries David! i myself vow to see the movie at the very least 4 times and im bringing a different person each time! I know im not the only fan doing this so you guys will do quite well. (look at sex and the city!)

I watched quite a few of the press junket vids of you and Gillian and you two are just all kinds of win together! But even i got tired of hearing you guys have to answer the same questions over and over again haha.

Much luck to you guys! It's gonna be a success. The dark knight is just a temporary craze, but X-files is a phenomenon that is eternal :)


Nancy said...

Thank You for taking the time to write. I enjoyed watching your interviews with GA over the weekend. Seems like you both are having a good time. We will be there on Friday watching 'I want to Believe'.

Chriswife said...

Looking forward to seeing the film with some very good friends this weekend. All the best to you & yours, David.

Unknown said...

The fans really want the movie to do well for all of you, and for the franchise. I just bought 16 tickets for Friday (have 4 tickets already for the midnight showing in Chicago tomorrow night). I'll probably purchase a few on Saturday too. At last -- a benefit of having sold my soul to be a big firm litigator! BTW, you and Gillian both did such a great job with the junket despite a lot of stupid/redundant questions and journos who can't be bothered to do their homework on the series history.

Anonymous said...

Oh, David,
I hope everything goes well this week and this weekend.
Thanks for all the work you and GA have done to promote the film. I've missed a lot of stuff being away from computers and TV for most of last week, so I'm playing catch-up and it's amazing how many articles and interviews you guys have done--and will continue to do!

I also hope that we'll see at least a few more TXF movies. I saw the Batman film last night and I can see why it's so powerful, but as others have said, hopefully most everyone will have seen it by the time IWTB opens and everything will be okay. ;0)

Thanks again for sharing with us and I hope you continue to find ways to stay connected to the fans. It really means so much.


Sinkwriter said...

Question for you, David: What do you wish someone would ask you, instead of those infernal, annoyingly repetitive questions?


What's something you'd love to answer? Silly and/or serious?

P.S. I was talking with my aunt about the latest films out in the theatres, and mentioned how I want to see The X-Files: I Want to Believe. And my aunt... my aunt... said she would be interested to see the movie with me. My mouth dropped open. This is a woman who usually only likes fluffy romantic comedies (and the occasional 'classic' Star Trek film). She never watched the XF series, but it doesn't matter -- she wants to see this movie. That's huge!

And quite cool, actually. :)

To quote the band Journey (so sorry, but I had to go there), don't stop believing, David. People want to see this film. And you can bet we'll be there!

I hope it's a gigantic success, and that it brings you and Gillian and the whole XF crew the opportunity to make many more films, each one exciting and thought-provoking and dark and unusual. Hey, I can dream too, can't I?


kathy1013 said...

Hi David. Just wanted to send a big "Good Luck" for opening weekend. We are all very very excited and I plan to be there several times over the weekend to see the film, beginning at 12:01 am Friday morning. I have never been to a midnight showing of any movie before. Never cared that much. But for this one, there was never any question about it. Hoping and praying this will be a box office success and we will get our XF3. Much Thanks to you and all the crew for all your hard work and determination to make this movie a reality. We feel very blessed. All the Best!

kathy1013 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Asuka said...

I soooo want to believe, too!!
I wish I could go to the premiere to see you all, but I don't have much choice with a baby to take care of...
X-Files was actually a rather big part of the reason I moved from Japan to California when I did. (Lots of people told me to wait until I was done with college in japan, but I needed to come over here before the x-files tv series was over! So I went to college here in San Diego.) And I ended up getting married, and having a child here. My life probably didn't turn out the way it did if it wasn't for my love for the x-files. :)
Even though I can't make it to the premiere, I guess I should consider myself lucky because Japanese fans won't be seeing the movie until November. Poor X-philes over there... Maybe you guys can go over there to cheer them up!

Good luck and thank you for everything!!!

San Diego

C. said...

I fell in love with Mulder through a connection of an old fan of yours and became a new fan. Suffice it to say I crammed all of you in to three years and never looked back. I think word of mouth is more powerful than you think. Mulder may not trust anyone, but I think, in all honesty David, that you can trust your fans, old and new, to help you nail this one.

Best wishes to you and yours's to some serious ass kicking this weekend.


lynn said...

Hey David. I wish you luck and hope the movie does really well. I can't wait to see it on Friday and I definately want you guys to make more of them. I have really been enjoying the interviews from this past weekend. Thanks for giving up your time and energy and for your patience with answering the same questions over and over. One more question I have been wondering about since we have been seeing so much of Chris's dog Larry. How is your dog Blue? I hope doing well.

Anonymous said...

It's not something I have often, but I'm getting nervous because of this. We had to wait sooo long for this and in a couple of days it will be there. I can only hope the movie is worth the waiting, but I'm sure it is. And next week London. How amazing is that. Btw David, there's a heatwave coming this way, so be prepared. But I'm sure you're more used to the heat than we.
My life is all X-files nowadays. I can't sleep (gosh, you might think I'm a fifteen year old, instead of your age) and all day it's X-files this, X-files that. My sister doesn't get it I think, lol.
Anyway, see you next week for sure, together with Chris, Frank and Gillian. Tell Chris I'll bring him some Dutch licorice. If he still has Dutch blood in him, he'll love it.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see Mulder and Scully on the big screen again. Thank you for stepping into Mulder's shoes once more - sorry you had to freeze your ass off in the process..
If I'm ever crowned Queen of the UK I will ban press junkets and decree that all future XF movies must be filmed somewhere warm-ish. Promise. No really. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh for crying out loud. I forgot to wish you SUCCESS!!!!


Unknown said...

I started watching X Files when I was just 8, and 15 years later my love fot the show remains the same. I really think the movie will be a great success, I see my friends who never saw the show excited about the M&S relationship on the movie...they aren´t fans of the show but they always want to know what happen with M&S relationship. So off course i´m gonna invite them to the premiere. And I (as everyone) enjoy the interviews, specially the ones with Gillian.
Thanks for this big show, and for the movie. I guess i´m gonna watch it again and again...

Amber said...

I understand that 10 hours of answering the same questions is tough but it is part of the job and you could have been a little nicer at the end. It's not our fault that we got you last. I was so glad when Gillian came in and answered all of our questions with delight and joy. And yes, I am glad I am not a close friend of yours if you know what I mean but I don't want to be as unfriendly and really wish all of you great success with this movie. Life is too much fun to hold any grudges! To those who haven't seen the movie: Go see it!

Charlene said...

I really am rather excited about the movie and oddly enough, as I type, a trailer for the movie has just appeared on my TV screen! I have been doing my own promoting of the film to literally everyone I talk to; in fact I think people are getting sick of hearing about it from me. Nevermind. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the relationship between Mulder & Scully pans out in the film - it was such an important part of the series. With all the pain and losses these two characters suffered, they still had each other, and that was one of the major reasons I tuned in each week.
I wish EVERYONE involved with 'I Want to Believe' the best of luck and I hope it does as well as it deserves to!

~Vonnie~ said...

Heya David,

Best of luck with the opening of the show, I've no doubt that it'll be a big success.

I can't believe that everyone in the States etc get to see it this week! I have to wait till it opens next week in Ireland :( I'm so afraid of spoilers, especially here in your blog. I'll try to have the internet equivalent of selective hearing and hope nothing terribley important gets ruined!!

Are you guys gonna be at the London opening? If so you should seriously consider popping over to Ireland for some sort of X-Files function. We never seem to get anything like that over here :( (If I use puppy-dog eyes would it help??) LOL.

Anywho, take care and enjoy the premiere!

Danielle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Danielle said...

Mulder and Scully back on the Big Screen,well any screen, is pure bliss! It's been too long!

I am DRAGGING my sister to watch this when it opens - whether she likes it or not - as her 'preconception'
of what the X-Files actually is, is SO far off!

Roll on August 1st!!

Caro said...

So David, i've been wondering...
Was it hard for you to play Mulder again after all this years???

lol just kidding

Anyway, all my best wishes for you and the x files team tonight!

Danielle said...

Mulder and Scully back on the Big Screen,well any screen, is pure bliss!

I am DRAGGING my sister to watch this when it opens - whether she likes it or not - as her 'preconception'
of what the X-Files actually is, is SO far off!

Roll on August 1st!!

Aimes said...

Hi David,
I don't think you need to dream. I think it's going to be huge.
As someone who drifted away from The X-files around 1996 or so the frist time round, and as someone who didn't grow up with the internet, I have been truly astonished at the passion that XF instills in its fans since I got into it again last year.
Apart from now completely loving the show and watching it obsessively, I have also been introduced to a completely new world of getting to know people on the internet, something I have never done before. And you know what? X-files fans are great! I know you know that already, but the idea of being part of an online community was foreign to me, and I remain astounded at how massive and enthusiastic the X-files one is!
So I have no doubts about this movie being a great success, and hopefully lots of people new to The X-files will be hooked as well.
My husband, for one, who reckons he's not going to see it - little does he know what's going to hit him come Saturday August 2nd...
I think it's fab that you write this blog, it's so interesting and human. Cheers.

jdducker said...

Hi David
I bought my tickets today for the midnight showing in my town. I am taking four other people with me and can't wait! I so want this movie to be a success. I don't imagine that it would do the money that Batman has done but I want it to do well so we get more of Mulder and Scully. I have only been spoiled a little bit and I am looking forward to the ifrst time we see Mulder and Scullyin the theater. I know the press jucket must have been a pain but the interviews that you and Gillian did together were just great. Best of luck.


X-Files Fan Club Peru said...

Your words are so beautiful, David. Almost made me cry! I assure you that I'll take a lot of people to see the movie. I'm sure it will be great! Good luck tonight at the premiere.


Deborah said...

Excitement is mounting. I have spent some time both watching my box sets of the X-Files and blogging about it.
I have listed my top favorite episodes (one posted today and part two is tomorrow).

It is ALL about the X-Files, as it should be.

P.S. Please do not wait several years to make the next installment.

Toomsie said...

hi every, hi David,

Can't wait really to see the movie !

In the meantime, the french translation is online as always !

Take care and I keep my fingers cross !

Songbird said...

Hey Dave!

Best of luck to each and every one of you XF folk tonight. I'll be staying up to watch the 'live' webcam footage...which means it'll be 2am in the UK!

Oh I know how you feel about these press interviews, from a Blog you did on the TTM site way back when, or was it HOD? It must be stressful being asked the same old questions over and over. I remember you saying you tried to answer differently about 556 times or whatever? LOL! Oh you tease (your description of the movie I mean)...but eloquently put I might add. I so look forward seeing it in London with you guys! I'm not a Batman fan (though liked the first film). Just not into superhero types, unless it's 'Hancock'. That was a good film! So you're back to spreading like a virus again! LOL!

If wishes were stars in the universe eh? Never ending into infinity!

Go get 'em!

Love, Penny xx

PS: I hear you're going to chat online tomorrow? I'll see if I can pop in along with several hundred others! Hope it doesn't crash! Eeek!

~Vonnie~ said...

Hi again,

I've heard somewhere else that there's going to be live chatting with David tomorrow. What I can't find out is where and when?? Oh and I'm in GMT.

Thanks if anyone can help,

Trustno1 said...

Hi David....

I´m one of your brazilian fans. And man, u can be sure that all of us will be watching Mulder and Scully back again on big screen, because we love both the actores (you and gillian)and the unforgetable Agent Mulder and Scully.
Just so you know, i bought 2 ticket for Friday, one for the first and the other last session.

Man, break a leg!

And don´t forget: there truth is out there

p.s. Say "HI" to us, your brazilian fans.

Nayara said...

You're sure. "A boy can dream" and all of us want to dream with this incredible boy...We want to believe that this is only the beginning...we'll have more and more of x files...I can't explain the emotion of meeting Mulder and Scully (and you and GA) after 6 years; is just like meeting old friends...Like the truth, we still out there all this time and now we are back!

Kisses from X Files Brasil!
Nayara Nascimento, Salvador - Bahia - Brasil

PS: May I ask you a favor? Please, say Gillian that all we here in X Files Brasil love her!
We love you too...but you already now that...don't you?
more later...
N.N :)

Mary V said...

There's two things I'm looking forward to this summer: seeing some bloody trauma victims and seeing some bloody victims of X-Files monsters!
Can't wait for Friday, the hours are counting down...

Lu said...
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Lu said...

Heey, David!
I just saw the movie yesterday, in a pre-premiere, here in my city in Brasil...and, dude, what can I say?
Well, I' can't say anything cause most of the people here didn't see it, will be spoiler, haahahah...
But, it made me want more, more XF!!! I believed! And I found the truth! The truth is: XF WILL NEVER DIE! It's still alive, proudly! And I keep believing! I'm going to believe forever!!! XF never disappoints me!
I'm SO PROUD of being a fan for 10 years!!!! I want to congratulate you, Gillian, Chris, Frank and all the people who made it happen!
PS: Yes, friday, July 25, I'll be there again....

Anonymous said...

Excuse me for my updated lingo bypassing your so called "old age". (PLEASE!) But Mulder and Scully are, quite frankly, THE SHIZ-NIT!

OF COURSE I WILL BE THERE! As will the millions of devoted fans who have been in love with this phenomena for years. Its what being a fan means.

We do love you David, and Gillian.

Many many MANY good delicious lucky charms to you!


Anonymous said...

Was hoping to find a screening of it on Thursday somewhere local (Toronto) so hubby and I could see it on our weekly date night - he was, after all, the person who introduced me to the show in season 1 - but alas there is none that I can attend. So I'm hoping to see it this weekend so my cash helps the tally.

All the best, sir - The X-Files were my first-ever must-see-TV and for that I will always be grateful for the quality of what you did. And will most assuredly do with this movie!

X said...

Yes, my countdown clock says 9 hours to go for the 6 years we have all been waiting for!! I am touring Australia at the moment so I shall watch IWTB in every major cities (and not limited to one session) and I shall "kidnap" at least one pedestrian to watch the movie with me every-time!! Anything for the love of the XF!! Australian Box Office will certainly not need my contribution as I KNOW XF2 will do very very well here! But this will certainly set a record for me so that I can remember this experience for the rest of my life!!

David, tell Chris and Frank they better put their writing hats on and start writing the XF3!!!

Amos ^ _ ^

Joselyn Rojas said...

Hey David!!!!
Im In Venezuela so... I wont be able to see the until what... august??? BUT IM IN THERE WITH YOU ALL THE WAY. Loyal fan!!!! Im sure that my X-Phies PALS from all over the world will see it!!! I TRUST THAT IT WILL BE A HUGE SUCCESS ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!!

Joselyn Rojas said...

BTW.... We are all waiting for XF3.. so... get cracking a mythartic film you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE KNOW THAT NO ONE EVER DIES ON THE X FILES!!!!!

Love from Venezuela!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SandyandPreston said...

I do believe, David, & not just b/c I'm a fan & loved all 9 seasons. I say this b/c there are many Dark Knight fans hitting the X-Files message boards slamming our movie (yes, we fans do consider it ours, too). For the life of me, I couldn't figure out why. With the record numbers that TDK obtained its opening weekend, they have no reason to do this, right? Then it dawned on me after the new IWTB trailer hit YouTube today that they are scared of TXF fanbase & rightfully so(this clip is up to almost 500,000 hits since this morning & is the #2 most viewed video clip today). The buzz is definitely out there now!

Thanks to all of you for working so hard on this movie for us, especially you, Gillian, Chris & Frank with all of the press junket stuff you've had to endure. I'd hate answering the same questions over and over and over again, but you guys have done a fantastic job! We truly appreciate it & wish all of you the best of luck this weekend! So get ready to start learning your lines for XF3!


Gisella Salmón said...

Dear Mr. Duchovny

Of course a boy can dream, dont worry the movie is already a huge success. You just need to surf the web to realized that.. thousend of active groups of fans are out there. Maybe, we just have to start that six degree theory and invite six friends to watch this new movie. What to do u think?

Just in case u really read this, i want to ask 2 question:

1. Are u still going to write after the movie? (we all hope so)

2. Any chance u can visit Peru soon? (btw Machu Picchu is a wonderfull experience to enjoy a great family vacations)

Greetings from Peru

Tracy said...

Have fun at the premiere! There really aren't sufficient words to express how excited I am about this movie and to see that relationship you so wonderfully described play out on screen. For me, the X-Files has always been about that relationship, about the struggles and about that very obvious deep love. And I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who feels like they're going to have a coronary every time they see an ad for XF2 on TV; I don't see how it can NOT be a huge success.

I'm sure the press junkets get old fast, but thanks for doing them and contributing that much more to the build-up. It's been great hearing your and Gillian's thoughts, feelings, and excitement about it all.

I already have my ticket to the midnight showing here in N. California (and am taking a non-Phile with me) and then getting on a plane to LA to see it there on Friday. I'll be seeing again several times over the weekend and plan on taking/inviting/dragging (if I have to) every person I know to this film, so have no fear. ;)

Thanks for all you've done for us fans, David. It's appreciated more than you'll ever know.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've seen the movie yesterday. I think it was great. Although, people, who never seen the show say that the first one actually made more sense to them than this one. Still, they all agreed it was a good movie.

BTW, the little scene after the end credits is so funny. I think I haven't laughed so hard in months.

Thank you and all people who made the movie. You did a good job.

kira88 said...

now i'm thrilled... can't wait! i'm gonna watch it many times! and i'm gonna bring my whole family to watch it!

I haven't watch Dark Knight yet, but I'm gonna watch X-Files before it (thank goodness there are no classes on the premiere date here).

don't worry, the movie will be a HUGE HIT! :)

P.S. I've been staring at the x-files posters for too long... got me very, very excited.


Bea Mangahas

elessar said...

I just came home from a special screening of the movie...and David, all I can say, is that, you NAILED IT!!! Man, I watched you asking Gillian "do you believe in the existence of E.T." when I was 12. I moved to the States (from Greece) after the movie (to study) and watched you guys until the final "maybe there's hope" moment. I waited for you to return but this, what I saw, and especially th *wink final scene after the credits, you guys, you rock my world!!! Thank you all and GOOD LUCK from the bottom of my Phile heart!!! Thank you!!!

Andrea said...

oh my! here i´m again!

So the long wait is closer to end... 44 hours here in Brazil... and counting!

thank you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I never feel comfortable calling you 'David' since I don't really know you! Its that manners thing from my childhood. LOL.

I'm definitely seeing the movie on Friday, but I'm trying to get people together for the 12:01 showing Thurs night. It'll help me feel like I went to the premiere.

Then I'm definitely seeing it twice more over the weekend. I'm dedicated to seeing an XF3. And I'll just be darn happy to see Mulder and Scully again. Thank you for your time and energy. And say hi to Tea for me please! : )

rachEL said...

Okay, seriously love all the interviews, but they should just have everyone come to you at once and then be done with it. Because honestly, they could interview any one of us die hard fans, asking us the same questions and they would get the same answers. "What's the movie about?" Uh, duh. do they really think it's cute to ask, sometimes twice in an interview? Oh Mercy.
And Batman? Honestly? The dude wears his underwear on the outside. I don't think i have to say anymore than that.
I don't want to believe. I do believe. I think my constant counting down is driving everyone crazy.

Rosietoes said...

My David,

The Buick is filled with $4.29 gas, the sisters are ready and my 72 year old body will get behind the wheel for the 30 mile ride to see X-Files Two. I can't believe it's finally happening. One small problem, we had a terrific storm hit here and had 173,000 families out of power. They're still trying to get the fallen trees off of power lines and homes and open up the roads. I hope the cinemas are able to open in time for the Friday showings.

I'm closing this with a prayer for a four year old boy who was killed when a tree fell on a tent where he and his parents and six brothers and sisters were sleeping during the storm. His 9 month old sister is in intensive care in Peoria in critical condition on life supports.

Thanks for enjoyment you've given me for the past decade. Hope I'm around for X-File III. Try to hurry it up a bit I'm feeling weak.


Antonella said...

i watched the live premiere online.
and i concur with gillian. you ARE hot. sure she used that word to sum up the movie but she was looking directly at YOU for inspiration :)

on another note two of my questions made it to L.A. land (yay)!! one Frank Spotnitz answered and the other Amanda Peet.

both times --the host called me Antonio(boo). i still don't know how i feel about that!

maybe i'll see you on that chat thingy i heard you will do tomorow?

Antonio is going to bed now.

hope you enjoyed the premiere!

much love,
Antonella :)

Dee Murray said...

Hi, David! As devoted fans, my friends and I have been known to roll our eyes at the same questions you & Gillian & Chris & Frank are asked over & over again. We get "the biz", but you all must be going slightly mad! Thank you for your grace & poise - you are all so lovely and professional - new and old fans alike can't help but respect your integrity and stamina. It seems silly to wish you luck, success is yours! We are all pulling for you with both our hearts and wallets this weekend! We don't want to believe in this movie - we DO believe!!

Liss said...

David -

Oh don't you worry! I am taking TONS of different people to this film. I'm excited for you, I'm excited for me, I'm excited for new fans to plunge into the greatest entertainment I've ever known. We do believe, and we believe that you NAILED IT!

Unknown said...

I'll be at the Midnight showing tomorrow night here in Bangor.

I, too, hope it is a success as I would love to see more of Mulder and Scully. *fingers crossed*

Wishing you all the best,

XPoetLacy said...

I have been a devoted Phile since early in the show's history. I have also seen much of your other work, and Gillian's as well. You've both accomplished a great deal that you can be proud of. That being said, here's what I'd like to tell you:

I know how tired you must be: press junkets, repetetive questions, flying here and there while trying to film your new show and just live life in general. But please know that every moment of the time and energy you've invested has brought the fans so many smiles of happiness. I hope that alone will make it all worth it for you. You, Gillian, Chris and all those involved with TXF are so loved and admired by your fans all over the world... and that's one amazing legacy to have.

As for the film: I will be there at least once on opening weekend myself, with friends, and I know that all that Phile love is going to help this movie be a real success. We're with you guys, and hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Thank you so very much for all you do, David, and I think you have a well-deserved rest coming. All the best!

GGUEDES said...

Yeah! see you there. I can hardly wait!

Kisses and namarië.

MrsFox Mulder said...

It will be an enormous success. I have badgered all my friends and posted it on facebook and all other places postable. I own the extremely large dvd boxed set too and it has its own bookshelf along with other X-Files memorabilia.

To see Duchovny and Anderson up on the big screen is worth it and if I must see it 10 or 12 times that way, no problem.

Thanks for doing all the press. I absolutely loved your story about your son on Leno. It just made me love you even more.

tina said...
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tina said...

Hi David,

Thanks for doing all the press work... I will definitely go see it opening weekend. No matter how the movie does or how many people go see the movie, you should know that the people that you and Gillian have touched and do touch - are affected in a profound and deep way. Through these two amazing characters, YOU HAVE BOTH CHANGED LIVES. I think as professionals, as people just doing their jobs or just as a human beings... that speaks volumes and means more than any number from the box office. Obama is doing it through politics; you and Gillian have and are doing it through art, through expression and emotion... what power you guys have with such great talent and ability to effect humanity and bring so much joy to people! Wow.

Thank you for the X-files - its past and its present. No matter what, ITS FUTURE WILL CONTINUE TO LIVE THROUGH THE FANS, THE PEOPLE YOU HAVE MOVED AND INSPIRED... Great great work.

Anonymous said...

Guess I'll finally post after lurking for so long...

Thanks for all you guys' hard work, both filming the movie and promoting it. Oddly enough, having the internet and seeing almost every piece of advertisement, even some of us fans are getting tired of all the repeat questions.

I'll fulfill my solemn duty of bringing along a non-fan (my boyfriend) and attending more than one showing (a midnight showing for starters).

And while we will be under the shadow of the caped crusader, here's hoping we'll benefit indirectly; some theaters are showing the XF trailer before the movie after all :)

Here's to the weekend!

Sandy said...

Hi David,

I've just arrived home after seeing the movie. NAILED IT!!!

Sandy Australia

P.S. nice boardies

PoLaiNaDD said...

Hi David, i watch the movie yesterday !!... and im a huge fan so obviously im going to the cinema again and again and again (lol) with my friends.

good luck on the premiere!...

hey i look some new pictures on internet (you CC FS GA)....
you look better every day! what do you do?

good luck with the movie...many years being a fan of the x files...and all i can say x files fan for ever!!

thank you!

from Chile,
Sincerely Paulina.

Anonymous said...

I woke up with this weird feeling this morning. I was suddenly thinking of all our fellow Philers we lost in the last years and who never got the chance seeing the movie although some of them have been waiting for it, just like we had, without knowing they'd never gonna make it. Like Girlie_Girl7 who sent me a message saying she was going to have a new treatment. Full of life she was, but when I got back from vacation, she was gone. I still had her last e-mail in my inbox.. And Laura, who fought for so long but lost. And so many others.
Maybe there's a possibility to dedicate this movie to them? They earned it.


Anonymous said...


I`m currently waiting for the train to bring me to a big X-Philes Meet-up in Germany.
I haven`t really slept for days because I am SO nervous.

The whole fanbase is going INSANE and you worry about the movie not being successful enough?! Come on....:) :)
We love you guys for what you`re doing for us more than you can ever imagine.....Thank you so, so much....

Vicky from Germany, who *does* believe

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the 'crooked' English, but I guess you know what I mean. (sorry, just woke up)


Unknown said...

I cannot express to you the excitement I felt when you showed up at the premiere tonight. Well you and Gillian both. You look as good as ever! =)

I hate hearing all this stuf about the movie because the anxiety is killing me!! LOL! But you definitely can dream and I hope part of that dream came true by seeing all the x-philes who showed up to see you at the premiere (myself and 2 of my non x-phile friends included).

Your panel session was great and humorous as usual. Thanks so much for taking the time to do all this and dealing with all these questions from the press, which seem to only reiterate themselves.

Your great! And I can't wait to see you all NAIL IT!!

P.S: Thanks for teaching us how to say it in the falsetto tone =)

Much Love & Respect,
Jessica G.

Anonymous said...

Hello David,
got tickets since they were available!!
I tossed my brother into the XF again and we did a small marathon with 15 episodes and FTF for the past evenings (just to get him back into the stuff 'cos he liked the show but isn't a Phile like me, I forgive him for that since he likes the show enough to watch all the episodes I chose and the movie(s) ;-)). So he and I are going to the cinema tonight and am very excited about the movie!!
You have a good one and a great time at the premier!


Sophie said...

wow! i must say: you NAAAAILED IT! you really did!
i saw the movie about 10 1/2 hours ago - at 00:01 am,july 24th - here in germany!

i really liked it - though, for me, it does not quite fit in with the x-files we still know from the series. though a pretty frightening thriller! congrats!

i don't know whether i was just too excited about seeing mulder and scully back on the screen together, but there were some things in the movie i got quite confused by - i won't ask about them here - not yet - as i don't want to spoil the excitement! later...

by the way: loved the little skit at bush...! that was hilarious!
and: did i see that right - the patient in the hospital corridor - was that...?! you know... :P

looking forward to seeing the movie again - on saturday, sunday and next tuesday... ;)

take care!

Songbird said...


Yes, I stayed up till almost 4am watching the webcam stuff. Now I'm bloody buggered and am going to sit through two movies today if I can stay awake. Mama Mia (grew up singing ABBA) and WALL-E 'cos he's cute! I did try asking Mark Snow about his music via computer. But gave up in the end. That chatroom was just insane! So good luck tonight! I did think Ellen Fox did a great job on the red carpet as I'm sure she had difficulty hearing the fans questions. Hence why she said Antonella's name wrong.(Hey you got some questions asked girl! :-)

Funnily enough one of my new pals at XFU stuck that advert with the mouth up on the site yesterday. So I got the falsetto voice from it and you! LOL!

Okay now I have to go catch a bus.


Penny xx

PS: I thought what Linda said was very moving about those fans who sadly have passed on and so never got the opportunity to experience this wonderful comeback.

Anonymous said...

Hi David! I just got back from the premiere! Loved it! Nailed it! The way you described the movie is perfect. It's good thriller/love story. I was standing next to you at the premiere today and was about to ask you if you could take a picture with me, but your publicist dragged you away! Drats! hehe =)

Hope your get some major downtime after all the XF promo! You deserve it!

I hope the movie does well this weekend at the box office, too! I will definitely being seeing it a couple times in theaters and dragging people along! hehe =) I need some XF3, so we can see more of that Mulder/Scully chemistry! I can't say goodbye to it yet! Absence does make the heart grow fonder!

Hitomi ^^ said...
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Hitomi ^^ said...

Hello David ^^ !
Im from Portugal , (ive watched the series since i was 8th )and i grew up watching X files , im just really happy i get to see you guys again !
And I belive all fans will !
I cant Cant wait to go see it ! Unfortunatly its only august 7th here :( !
( Although its very strange talking with you in blog like this, almost unreal XD)
Anyway best of luck for all of us , you can count on your fans ^__^ !

Anonymous said...

Hi David,

Were 15 hours ahead of you and im working on PM shift, but for the love of DD and GA | Mulder and Scully - I had to wake up at exactly 8AM (Manila time) just to join you guys on the live webcast.

You guys are amazing..though i can see through you during ur interview that ure beginning to get tired of the same 'ol questions..but positive it'll pay u guys bigtime =)

I've read the initial review and got to learn about spoilers..but my question is..if you were to contribute to the next film or even to the film that about to be shown tomorrow (or August 13 here )
what would the plot be like?

p.s I looooveee the way you said "NAILED IT" Im practicing it right now at work.

All the best,

Sherilene Soroño
Manila, Philippines

Anonymous said...

I just saw the movie and I thought you guys were great! I'm not a huge sci-fi fan but you guys nailed it! ;p


Lisa said...

I love reading this blog! I get even more excited for the movie, if that's possible.

See you at the movies!!!

And many happy returns....

heidi said...

this week´s interviews with you and GA together were awesome! Same goes for Chris and Frank - thanks so much for doing the press, tedious as it is.
All of you guys are super talented, and have created something fantastic with the XF. That, and the fact that you are handling your fame so well, keeping your head on straight, makes me very proud to be a fan.

Laura_Claire said...


I just got back from the movie and I ADORED it!!! You and Gillian were amazing, so much emotion conveyed in your scenes together. And the chemistry was back in spades (as if it wouldn't have been!) Also, I must say I've never been given an Easter egg as sweet as the one dished out at the end ;) I think I managed a pretty good rendition of 'nailed it' at the end (albeit quietly to myself lol).

Just also wanted to say thank you for providing some thoroughly enjoyable and hilarious junket interviews over the weekend. While I know they're horrible and tedious for you, just know that they're not in vain!

Thank you and good luck!!!

tara said...

I think it would be lovely too , going along with theme Linda mentioned that a small mention could be made on the DVD for Don S Davis. He may have only appeared a few times but deserves to be remembered for his role as William Scully srn. Just a thought.

RubyFolie said...

That's THE message you needed to post to make sure every single shipper couldn't be more on its toes, LOL!!!

I can't go on the 25th, gotta wait til the 26th, but I'm soooo there and on the edge of my seat.

LaffLady said...

I have never been so excited about a movie release as I am about this one. We have been waiting years for this and I know that it will be worth the wait. We appreciate all the questions you have taken the time to answer for us and other fans. I am going to be there this weekend and will be bringing as many people that are willing to hang with me. I know that the series has picked up a lot of new fans in syndication over the past 6 years and the first XF movie turned me into a diehard fan. I wish you all the best am keeping my fingers crossed for more XF movies in the future. Thank you for bringing us everything you did to the series and films.

Sqli said...

I will most definitely drag lots of people to the cinema. First screenings in my country are tomorrow; I booked the tickets and I just can't wait.

David, a big "thank you" for making this show happen in the same spacetime as me.

I love you guys! I want to believe!

Amber_Mulder44 said...

I just recently bought the Revelations DVD which had a movie ticket in there!IM STOKED TO SEE THE MOVIE! MY WHOLE FAMILY IS GOING TO SEE THE MOVIE!!! THERE WILL BE ANOTHER MOVIE! YOU CAN BELIEVE THAT! I BELIEVE!!!!!!

Dakota said...

Hi David,
The X-Fiesl has such a huge fanbase, that I think it will be hard for it not be a success. So many people (including myself) have been waiting so long for this movie. I've managed to get 3 of my friends, whom have never seen the show, to come wiht me to the movie. I don't doubt that they will tell some one else and that person will tell someone, so on so forth. I am so excited and I am very greatful that you all finally made this film. I knwo there will be more films. I believe!
Best of luck,

Natalia Bonavia said...

Hi, David,
don`t worry, we want to believe too, and there is a lot of X-files fans all over the world that have been wating for years to see this movie, and we will be there, and we tell our little brothers and sisters, our friends and everybody that they need to see it... can`t wait... Buena Suerte!!!
love you.
Natalia Bonavia
Buenos Aires, Argentina

PsychoTante said...

Hi David,

we Germans were fast as always and the movie has already aired here TODAY.

I just came home and am the FIRST one here who will give you feedback on the new movie... :-)

I have to admit, as an X-Phile (watched all episodes of the show), the movie has not at all met my HIGH expectations. I don't want to take anything away for those of you who haven't seen the movie yet, so I won't specify myself too much, but both the relationship between Mulder and Scully and the story could not at all keep up with the tv show or the first movie, I think.
I love the show soo much and both you and Gillian, so I feel almost bad for writing this. I have to say tho, that you and Gillian (and Mitch Pileggi, Xzibit and Amanda Peet, Billy Conolly) have made the movie better than it would have been without you.
what I also want to criticize is, that the German version was pretty poorly translated. I don't know if you know about that at all, but you have been synchronized by someone else in this movie than in the show. that made Mulder appear pretty "strange", just not familiar, which made the whole Mulder/Scully part even less believable.
I hope, that a couple of people still watch that movie so that you guys get another chance to do better, do let the real X files revive;)
Tina from Deutschland

Musings ... said...

Hopefully Ill be there at midnight tonight Im trying to avoid the net to avoid any spoilers . I am so happy THE XFILES are BACK!!! Cant wait!! Thank You!!

Carrie said...

I love it when you fill in for Regis so I'll definitely be watching. You crack me up.

Friends from out of state are all meeting up to see multiple showings this weekend, so we'll definitely be doing our part in supporting XF at the box office!

Also, apparently, brainwashing at a young age works well because my nieces are finally old enough to watch XF and see what the heck Aunt Carrie's been talking about all of their lives. Yesterday the youngest called me just to let me know that there were only two days left until the movie came out and that she's been keeping track for me. She also called me this morning to let me know that there was an XF marathon on and that she was watching it.

andychelt said...

Cant wait for the UK release, if only I'd got hold of those premiere tickets....:( !

If DD is reading this wonder if in his next post he could maybe state whether ebay auction for his badge is legit? link
would save a fan a hell of a lot of money.....!!!

Jbs said...

Don't worry to much, I'm sure that it will be a big success, and I'm also sure that I'm not the only one who thinks that. I will surely watch it, simply can't wait.

Good luck on the premiere, to you and Gillian, you guys are the best, I'm glad to see you together again, and the rest of the crue, best wishes to you all.

Love from Serbia,

Anonymous said...

Hey David!
I'm freaking out here!! I'm counting the hours to see this movie, and everywhere I look there's always something about it...
I saw the premiere videos... LOVED IT!
Don't worry... all of the fans here in Brasil will be there, watching the movie with A LOT of friends... And all of this friends will take A LOT OF OTHER FRIENDS to see the movie...
It's gonna be a HUGE success. I'm sure!
And I'm sure that you all Nailed It!

take care!
Kaline - Brasil!

Marina said...

Batman is simply wonderful, but don't need to worry. There's a lot of X-Files fans out there. All my friends will watch the movie this weekend.

Batman for sure will continue to have a good public, but i have no doubts that The X-Files will be a big sucess of public. Who doesn't know Mulder and Scully?
Who never heard of the show?

It will be HUGE. You'll see.

mulder42 said...

Hi, David!

Only a few hours from now, and it'll be midnight. I won't be at that screening, but I will watch it at least once this weekend. Good luck to you!

I Want To Believe it'll be good...:)

Chicago, IL

mel said...

Went to see it tonight. Freaking awesome. Felt like class reunion, a beginning, an end, made me laugh, made me sigh. Just everything one could wish for. One for the long time lovers as well as for the just arrived. One could really feel you guys had a blast shooting it. Bet CC enjoyed teasing fans with this and that quite a lot. Nice to see him sitting out in the hallway. A nutters feed indeed :D

Just hope it the parallels to PotC aren't as obvious as I might see them. Though I loved Mulder and Scully making their escape from the dark, I don't wait another ten years for #3.

Guess, I'm off to find a theater showing the movie undubbed. I guess tickets for next wednesday would be nice, but I still didn't receive this winners call :P

Anyways. Thank you all so much for this movie.


Prue said...

David, you were brilliant. And Gillian was brilliant, and the whole thing just had me laughing, tearing up and going awww....

I gush becuase I am so thankful that this project was ever made at all. There were just so many delightful-to-the-fans moments. These characters; Mulder and Scully, and so truly timeless and beautiful. To go from that emotion-filled embrace at the end of season 9 to... what's in the film, was just so incredibly heart-warming.
As for the plot (was their a point to Mulder & Scully being on screen? geez, I didn't need one!), not a bad little X File actually. And, of course, all the little nerd in-jokes have been spotted and appreciated.
I would love another of these, and I'll be doing my bit by going back to the box office a coupla more times ;)

For making Mulder, I thankyou from the bottom of my heart.

Prue, Melbourne, Australia

Lotte said...

Hey David!
I just stumbled over this blogsite and I dig it! :D I love your dry sense of humor and your profound thoughts!
Just a few hours ago I came back from having been at the X-Files-Premiere here at our local theatre in Münster and this movie just ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :)
It is just such a wonderful movie! <3 GIVE US MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE OF THAT!!!
Funny I actually did take a friend with me who`s never seen any episode of the X-Files before and she loved it, too!
I actually enjoyed the absense of aliens and that it`s more psychological, more about human life. Yet it`s so X-Files-like and haven`t we all been painfully missing that?
My favorite scene today was in the beginning, when Mulder and Scully are waiting in front of this FBI-person`s office and there`s this picture of Bush hanging on the wall and I loved your despising look!!! That just said everything! lol
And I like what the movie deals with, love and work, sometimes its hard to combine both of them in one`s life, especially today, when we have so little time for what`s really important in life.
Really, give us more of these thoughts!!! Please!
And keep on BELIEVING!*
Love and Peace,

Natalia said...

I thought that film was very good. I disagreed with my colleagues -journalists that film was too slow or just "another TV film". Some said that I was a X Files junkie... so... well... I guess there is some truth in that statement... I loved X Files from Pilot episod back in Russia on pirates video tapes... I still like to watch repeats on SiFi... I wish people would understand that it is not just another criminal show on TV, but it is very sophisticated and smart show with fantastic humor in it... I do believe in it as I do believe that there are more smart people out there than it seems... people who understand difficult words and who don't mind to learn something about themselves and the world around.

Anonymous said...

For those who haven’t seen the movie yet and don’t want to know certain details - skip this comment!

Dear David,
I have seen the movie a few hours ago in the theatre and thought that maybe you would like to hear some feedback from a long term fan (right from the beginning)  Beforehand I have to say that I liked x-files because of the atmosphere, intelligence, the great scripts, the humor and also because of the relationship between Mulder and Scully.

So I was full of expectation to see the movie which you (and CC, GA, FS ect.) forecasted us to be thrilling, smart and in style of the early episodes of the x-file show. I also dragged some of my non-x-file fans in to the theatre ;-)

Maybe it is just because Mulder hasn’t been synchronized by the same guy as in the show (he/you got the German voice from Ben Affleck :-( (there are some a**** to be kicked for that!!!) but it was totally different as I thought it would be. Nevertheless I’m glad having you back on big screen (You were just the “hero” of my teenager’s time  )

So, here are my some of my critics (hope nobody will shoot me for that…)
1. The beard…c’mon! Although, it was worth a laugh from the audience 
2. I missed the cloak-and-danger atmosphere as in the early x-files episodes. At many parts the movie was to superficial (William was just mentioned once – then why does Scully feels so much for this sick boy? (this part is somehow confusing) what exact position does Skinner has at the FBI now? Why does father Joe doesn’t cough while smoking when he is so sick? (Ever seen a lung-cancer-patient??)…)
3. the Russians are the enemies…again…this topic is somehow outdated and to often showed in James Bond movies, sorry
4. why do catholic priests always have to be paedophiliac?…nothing new, so in my opinion nothing really exciting
5. the mystery around father Joe has been played down to much so that it seems that the reason Mulder has been called back to the FBI was just a stopgap in the script to introduce him (Mulder) back into the story

Here the compliments:
1. A non-x-phile (fan) can easily follow the movie without knowing the tv-show.
2. Mulder definitely hasn’t lost his sense of humor!
3. al those insiders (the pencils sticking in the ceiling, Mulders office, Chris Carter sitting in the hospital hall, the names saved in Mulders phone, the “Nutter”- Ranch..ect.) were really well integrated
4. the”scary” x-files theme playing while M+S look at the picture of G.W.B. (sorry, he is not my favourite president)
5. the relationship between Mulder and Scully is way more emotional and not as distant and cold as in the show and the first movie - which makes them “real” for the audience.
6. The last scene where Mulder keeps his promise and he and Scully are heading to the island in this little boat where it is warm, and sunny. Perfect ending!!! What exactly did you guys want to say by waving to the cameras? There are many theories circulate around the web.
7. the performance of the main actors was great!

Maybe I’m just to spoiled by the tv show but I think the movie does’t reach neither the quality of the first movie nor the tv show. Nevertheless it was so touching to hear the x-file theme in the beginning and watch the movie on a BIG screen!! After so many years it somehow felt like a ….hm, well like a release!! Many fans here like it a lot! And so do I!

I hope you are not taking my critics bad. Never wanted to undermine the work of great artists!! Thank you for this great peace of x-file history (ok, now I’m sounding to pathetic).

I really hope you could take a stand to my comment and if not I wish you all the best!!


Dara said...

Fantastic movie.
The story, the effects, the music... but, definitely, the best thing of the movie are Mulder and Scully. They are the best television couple of the history.

I have seen it few hours ago, and i'm so happy. David, you are fantastic, and Gillian too. I have enjoy a lot with the relationship between Mulder and Scully :)


Carman Collegiate Library said...

Hi David.

So glad to see you blogging about my favourite show. If not for The Office I wouldn't have even needed a TV once The X-Files ended :-)Will have to catch your new show on DVD as we don't get that channel.

Started watching X-Files on DVD with my son who is now an X-Files fan as well, but, there's no way I can get him through all 9 seasons and the first movie before the show opens tomorrow (although we really tried lol).

Should he see the movie anyway?

Heather from Sanford, Manitoba Canada

Just wondering if

Unknown said...

I was worried about the opening of Batman being so close to the prime of X-files, but as you, I also believe. I believe that the true and loyal x-files fan will privail.

My question this week is -Do your kids ever watch the old eps of X-files? and if so, what do they think? Are they in to the paranormal?


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hello dear David,

This is a massage form Asia.

I have a big news to tell all of you that the movie was showing in HongKong yesterday, but we, people who live in Taiwan have to wait untill August, I think it means we still have time to imagine how amazing it will.And I really feel I should saying something before I know the new story between Mulder and Scully.

Although this is the second time have chance to let you hear the voice from oversea, (Thanks for the internet again.) I still be very nervous, after these thirteen years, I'm not the girl who can't speak English any more, but I really do not know how to that you understand the really Question in depths of my heart. Would you hear about Multiverse? Would you believe Fox Mulder and Dana Scully living in some kind of invisible world? Just like what you said: the movie is out there, and will find its life. I believe they were exist, I know that heard like I'm a stupid guy, but I think every writer will buy it. How about you?

And the most important thing, I'd like to say Thanks.
Thanks for you desided to be an actor, I dream of be a good fictionist but I'd like you us an actor than a Litterarum Doctor , I know this is your life, you may think this have nothing to do with me, but I really wanted to that you know, you have many ID(actor, direct, husband, writer, screenwriter......) in your life, you are an achiever, this supposed have nothing to do with me who live in the Eastern Hemisphere, but "Mulder" have change all my life truely, well, I'm not sure I've prepare to tell anyone these feelings, I'm afread you'll think I'm a madman, or you'll think this is nothing to do with you.

And thanks for you, CC, GA and anyone who makes X-Files such popular all over the world.

And I'm sorry for my poor English, thanks for spend your time read it.

I expect for the movie, expect for the next time search all around my brain to write my emotion in English.

Thank you again.

Mu's mu

Lori said...

Well, I want to see the movie this weekend very much. I saw the first movie at a sneak preview at a local theater, but so much has changed in my life since those "carefree days" I'm not sure if we can pull off a date night or even a date afternoon. I am going to try my best! I mean, we need to ensure there's an X-Files 3!
Good luck with the press junket. It must be exasperating to answer the same question over and over. So, was there a question that you were surprised to have asked of you? And which question should get the "I Will Be Forced to Place a Bounty on Your Head If You Ask Me That Again" award?
I hope the coming weeks are a great ride for you and the rest of the X-Files cast and crew.

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the movie tomorrow. I almost went to see it tonight at t midnight show but my other x-file friend and I decided it would be a perfect day out for the Moms tomorrow. I have been avoiding spoilers online and am so excited to put all of the pieces from trailers and interviews together into something cohesive. Can't wait to see how all of the characters have grown over the years and how you all have portrayed them. Hope you can knock the knight down a rung or two.

Unknown said...

My husband and I will be there. We may even see it twice. I can't believe the day is almost here - I too want to believe that Mulder and Scully will live on in perpetuity.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for agreeing to step in Fox Mulders shoes again!!!

J said...


amazing show. Kudos, and nice prius!


J. said...

I'm telling people I know to see the X-Files movie. I hope it helps! I know I'll be there. Thank you for being involved in another X-Files movie!


Java said...

I just saw it and I am 100% satisfied. It delivered everything you said it would, and believe me, I was skeptical.

It's better than "Fight the Future." It's better than the best episode.

I expected you to nail it, and you did. I had severe doubts about the script, but wow.

Unknown said...

Just got back from the midnight showing here in Bangor. *sigh* I love Mulder and Scully :-)
All the best,

Ida said...

Good luck, I'm sure the movie will do good because us fans will do everything to see a third movie! :)
I will be seeing it many times when the movie comes out here on August 1st. Can't wait!!

-Anna from Finland

Liss said...

We just saw your new masterpiece and oh my god, we LOVED the film. And we yelled "NAILED IT!" at the end for you! Thank you so much for it, the fans are truly happy and I felt so much closure. I love it, thank you.

Tori said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi David!

One week to go for Finlands premiere. It will be soon. Such a long time we waited for this second movie to come and finally it's here. I've planned to take me back by watching few of my favourite episodes. I'll know that i'll be so exited that I have to see it again to see EVERYTHING. Details, details, details.

Keep posting, we'll keep reading :D
Finland thanks you!

keset said...

Hi David,

I'm new in here ;)

I'm a big fun of the XFiles. and you can count on me. I'll go to see the movie :))
Great interviews by you and Gillian.

Hi from Israel.

Melissa said...

Felt compelled to say thanks. Saw the midnight screening in Philly, and I thought it was a fantastic stand-alone. When I was younger, the aliens and conspiracy hooked me, but the underlying draw was always the dynamic created by Mulder and Scully’s divergent views: his unquestioning faith of everything but faith, her die-hard skepticism of everything but her religion. As I’ve gotten older, that theme resonates more with me, and it was great to see the characters explore that difficult theme together as each other’s foil. So, thank you again, and I cannot wait for season 2 of Californication.

Unknown said...

Hi David!
I saw X-files-2 =)
Thank you very much!
It was GREAT!!!!!
Say HELLO to Gillian. Her work in "Bleak House" is amazing!

Love you guys!

Kate, Russia

Chriswife said...

We had a great time at the midnight showing. Great scary film! Will be seeing it again today. Thanks to cast & crew for the experience.

Anonymous said...

i saw it at midnight last night... then went to work at 8:30 this morning. :)

fabulously done. funny and poignant and beautiful and lovely.

i hope it does amazingly well!

jen said...

hey david, i think these reviewers are part of a conspiracy-- i think the movie was about so much more than the crimes-- it's about faith and redemption and belief, and i LOVED it, and want to see it 20 times so we get an XF3.

i have hope william will save the world in 2012. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING US ANOTHER EPISODE OF THE X FILES.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't make the midnight screening but I'm headed out now. I saw a few reviews this morning. I only skimmed them but my thought is that this film must be an intelligent person's thriller. From what I've read, it deals with so much more than the superficial mystery. I fear that "the masses" want dumbed down blood and gore thrillers. I just hope that the devoted, loyal and intelligient fans can pull off a box office hit. We owe that much to the crew and cast that have fed our need for something more than the usual song and dance for all these years. You all deserve a big payout and we all deserve another movie, don't you think??!

dre bombay said...

Bat who??? Kidding...

The X-Files will always reign #1 in my priorities..
Opening weekend is going to be a HUGE success and we can all look forward to #3.... ;)

All the success in the world to you and GA, FS, CC and all the people who brought such an amazing show into our lives.

I'll be spending alot of time in theatres for the next little while..... :D

SO happy you guys are back!

Edmonton, AB

PS - I've always believed.

Stephanie said...

iam going to see it on saturday david

bob84 said...

I'm totally stoked to go see I want to believe! any X Files again. It's been way too long since Mulder and Scully were on the big screen. We have missed the show so much!! Doggit and Reyes are good too, but M & S that is X Files. My wife already saw the midnight premiere last night and she loved it and wants to see it again and again she said! We have always enjoyed your movies. Return to Me was excellent. Thanks for the blog.

San Jose, CA

Anonymous said...

The countdown has been going on for quite some time in our home. We've even initiated the mini-mes by watching the DVDs from the pilot on. Another generation of x-philes emerges.

Wishing you luck!

Take care,
Scottsdale, AZ

Maria said...

I dragged my boyfriend who hated the first movie and is not an X-Phile to the midnight showing in Chicago and he liked it. We found and sat with some X-Philes who were of a similar demographic (old enough to have watched it in high school when it was still going strong) and were a bit bemused but pleased to see a young contingent of facebook kids in the lower rows; loved all the fan shout outs and the Mulder/Scully stuff which was still solid. Also loved the mountain man beard. ;-) Great work; fingers crossed for another...


Hi David,
I saw the movie last night, it was f*cking amazing. I feel like it's Christmas!! I saw that Nancy was your costumer! (Hope she's well.)
Whose signatures were on the basketball in Mulder's office??

Anonymous said...

Just got back. I don't want to say much to spoil anyone but had to say I enjoyed it. I felt really bad (and shocked) that I only paid 4 bucks to get in. What the...?? They should have a tip jar at the exit (: It was a morning show and there were lots of 30 something moms in there as well as several older couples and single 30-50 yr old businessman playing hookie. It was a good time.

Anyway, I want to know where's the fishtank and the little alien ship? Did I miss it somehow?

Darlene said...

David, I just got home from seeing the movie and wanted you to know as a long time fan, I was not disappointed in the film! The only problem is that it left me hungry for renewing the TV series so we have an episode to look forward to every week! Please don't let it be 10 years till we see another story with Fox and Dana!
I was the only one in the theater who stayed till the very end of the credits and waved 'right back at you!"
Thanks so much for the movie!!

rachEL said...

Saw the movie at midnight. I think the reviewers who are giving it low scores were high or something.
I don't know if it was intentional, but i noticed a lot of camera angles were the same or mirrored ones in the first movie and some of the episodes. Not like i watch them all everyday (not really...). Blame my photographic memory. Anyway, i thought it was interesting. Was it intentional or a coincidence?

Mary V said...

I just saw the movie and it really brought me back to the old days! I'm still a little lost on why the russians (btw, their russian was terrible!) threw out the arm in the middle of the snow when they could have dumped it with the rest of the body parts. I guess I need to see it again! ;)

Songbird said...

Hey David

Well thanks to Alycia at FOX (Contact on your Blog) getting me in touch with an organiser for the London premiere (bless her!) I'm now getting permission to go to the designated disabled section even though I'm not in a wheelchair. They said if I bring a small folding seat it will be okay. So I'll be able to rest now and then and not have to stand up for ever. Which I can't anyway due to the legs. These people have been so very kind and helpful!:-)

By the way I have to finally add a big THANK YOU for the past chats we had online with several fans at a certain site. Your admiration for my writing overwhelmed me, and I appreciate you showing an interest in my singing. I'm bringing a copy of my CD demo (full versions this time :-) in the off chance I meet you, in case 'done one' productions in Vancouver last Dec didn't deliver it to you? I enjoyed the discussion about my disability as well and it amused me that you have a fascination with artificial legs. LOL! By the way remember that quiz I did online with you? Dick Turpin was actually hung in York, not London! LOL!

See you all on Wednesday!

Love, Penny xx

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hey David! I'm not sure why, but I feel compelled to let you know that no matter what "reviews" are published, there are many, many, MANY fans out there who love this movie and who are standing up for it. I feel that there are so many reviewers (most of which aren't really critics in the truest sense of the word) that are taking this film at face value and are not truly *thinking* about the film and what it means, its underlying message, and what, at heart, it really is about. As Scully once said, "I'm sure you don't need to be told this..." but all the true to heart x-philies love this movie and will stand up for it, time and again. Thank you (and all parties involved) for giving this to us.

Enough ranting, one quick question: every time you talk about your kids in public (TV talk shows,etc...) you have so many funny stories! I love them! Have you ever thought about compiling them into a book? to the effect of "funny things my kids say?" (but a much better title than that!) I know that people would buy it (myself included) and it would be awesome for some profits to be donated to Ronald McDonald House or Childrens Miracle Network (can you tell I'm a Fundraiser?) Just a thought!
Much love,
Courtney from Charleston, SC

Arlette's Cosplay said...

Good luck with the movie! I really hope it does well so we get more of them. Then again, I feel lucky as a fan to just be getting this one after so many years.

My husband is taking me to see it tonight. I'm more of a fan than he is, but I'm sure he'll enjoy it.

samarisa said...

Thank you for that movie. It left me the happiest person in the world.
I appreciate it so much and all the work that went into it. I couldn't ask for a better movie.
The Dark Knight was good... The X-files was better.

Heatherxf said...

Just came from seeing it. GREAT JOB!!! I've been a huge fan from the beginning and a huge "shipper". The only problem was that my husband wouldn't let me turn around and see the next showing!

I love that it's a stand-alone. Those were the best episodes. The mythology just got way too convoluted and confusing.

Great Mulder/Scully moments! This shipper is happy. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Dear DD,
Saw the movie last night at midnight (though I seem to be cursed because once again at a midnight showing, the film caught and burned. Twice.)
Anyway, I really enjoyed the movie--I appreciate that it wasn't just an obvious story, but worked on a few different levels.
I loved your and GA's performances and liked the balance between M&S's personal discussions and how their lives relate to the case they're working on as well as what their future might hold.

I hope to see the film at least a few more times, trying to do my bit for the box office! and I hope to like it more and more each time.

There seems to be a bit of debate about the end-credit surprise. Real or CGI?

Take some down time to rest your voice--and all the other parts of your body--but come back to us again!

Congrats--I did indeed say my own private "Nailed it!" last night--and THANKS!!

maybe_theres_hope said...

amazing and perfect. we just saw it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dave, my name is Catherinne from Chile, I really want to believe you'll read this over. I am so amazed to read your blog, the way you talk to the fans I love you more even!. You should visit us, Chris and Frans were here few weeks ago, I told him I would have wished you could had joined them. Was really special a Full Theather screaming out and Chris Aswering questions we wrote. Thank you for being you, please don't change ever.

I am writing this from work!! I needed to.

Te queremos!!!


Unknown said...

Hey David - I've had my Mulder and Scully action figures proudly displayed in my office for the last six years, just waiting for you and Gillian to reunite for this film. Thanks for bringing them back, and hopefully, for more than just one film.

ShellBeach said...

yep watched the show on tv from beginning to end, watched the first movie too, and i would so love to be there to watch this movie... but i had to move to austria, and so now i have to wait for it on dvd cuz i don't do no stinkin dubbed "scully du musst mir vertrauen" crap.
i do hope it's a huge success for you all, the excitement can be felt across the ocean, so i think it will be.
so i have you as my myspace friend, why aren't you blogging there or is that not your official myspace after all.

Lu said...

*saw the movie again*

Unknown said...

thanx for posting. i really have to admit that i had trouble with the plot of the movie. for a pure thriller, there was too less suspense. (but nervermind, i also thought "the happening-2 was lame, as well as "indiana jones" - which i really looked forward to...)

i loved to see you n gillian perform together again - but i somehow missed that chemistry between the both of you. one could see, that you were trying hard - but it was different to the one, which still draws me to watch episode to episode again n again...u know, the one that gets me goose flesh! probably it is the dubbed version of the movie that got me wrong - but i will soon find out by watching the original in english.

anyways, thanx for blogging, thanx for being mulder at all n i hope that there will be another x files movie - where everything finally fits into place...

looking forward to see californication for the first time in september on german television.

i very much hope to see another house of d coming up :-)

best wishes n whole lot of luck with the xfiles movie°

GGUEDES said...

I just watched I WANT TO BELIEVE. And I loved it! The theater was almost full.
By the way, thanks for the movie. It is great!

Kisses and namarië from Brasil!

allisonmymind said...

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for making this movie, David. It means so much to us.

I loved it! Do make another!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi David-

What a great movie. My husband and I saw it this afternoon and really enjoyed it. As a journalist, I've been reading the reviews the past few days, and have been curious how many aspects of the film (particularly the relationship) would be handled. You and Gillian did a great job once again as Mulder and Scully, and I hope they really did "boat off" in to the sunset toward a happy life together.

LNC said...


I've never done something like this before, even though I've been a fan of you for a long, long time (in 9th grade, we had to give an oral report on someone famous and I chose you), but anyways, I feel compelled to write to you. I just got done seeing the movie tonight . . . Mulder and Scully are familiar faces that I've missed and have yearned for. No other tv show (Not even Lost, Heroes, or this Grays Anatomy crap) has captured my heart like The X-Files. I thought this movie was well done considering the $35 million budget, but like some other fan posted earlier, it simply leaves me yearning for even more and more of Mulder and Scully! I did agree with some of the common criticism from the critics that it looked like the tv show instead of a movie, but I mean, what did they expect from a $35 million budget? Thus, I think the critics unfairly bashed this movie. I want enough of us X-philes to propel this movie to a box office hit, because I can't imagine my life without these characters that I have come to love. Plus, for the next movie, I hope that it does get a big enough budget to shut all the critics up!

Some minor suggestions/comments for the next movie, besides the bigger budget:
1) Although you have absolutely no control over this, I just have to vent that Fox did a crappy job of promoting this movie. They played most of the trailers on the Sci-fi channel, but this doesn't actually attract the main stream audience. Most people barely knew this movie was out. And many of the viewers (including me) of the original tv series were not sci-fi geeks.
2) I'm happy you guys are going back to the alien/gov't conspiracy plot for the next movie . . . I think it's in those plots where Mulder's passion truly shine and Mulder and Scully look like the ultimate heroes. There's just something epic and majestic about the idea of Mulder and Scully going up against a behemoth enemy.
3) And of course, more Mulder and Scully romance! Hell yeah!

I will miss you and Gillian deeply until the next xf movie. Here's to box office success and a wickedly awesome xf 3!

Lotte said...

Hey David! :)
The movie is still on my mind and it has already given me so much for my life, so many impulses!! :D
But I do want to criticize one thing about it and that is that the classic Hollywood-clichés occur in it. I mean why do the bad guys have to be criminally organized Russians and the big Boss of them has been a victim of a crime in his childhood? That is so stereotyping... But I suspect it`s hard to break out of these stereotypes in Hollywood.
Aside from that the movie is brilliant. :)
Hey, I have a question to you, David, since you`re a very wise person and you`ve become older and obviously have so much living experience: Is there anything you can tell us people in our twenties about what you find really important looking back at that age now? Cause I often wonder, if the way I lead my life really makes sense or if I`ll regret having wasted my time for nothing, when I`m older...
All the best!*
from Lotte :D

A.J. Smith said...


HA HA, You guys DID "nail it"! Awesome job. Saw it three times already and I loved everything about it. I will be completely shocked if Fox doesn't give the green light for a third one. All of you should be proud...I know we sure are. And thanks for freezing ur ass off for us. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi there!

I just watched the movie and I just wanted to say that you guys nailed it!!

Really, the movie was great. My non-x-file-fan friend and I loved it!

Greetings from Brazil,

MrsFox Mulder said...

I just saw it and you both NAILED IT! It was awesomely incredible and I hope for many more. I won't say more so as to leave no spoilers. There was a beauty there that transcended it all.

crzylady said...

Chris Carter is a genius. I think he gave us all more than we could (and will) ask for. Absolutely perfect for shippers. And it was delightfully creepy. I think I covered my eyes at least five different times.

Pete said...

Dear David,

I write with the highest respect for your work and, as a self confessed X-philiac from beginning to exacerbated end (I refer to the torment of keeping up with the ever changing graveyard timeslots of season 9 in Australia) I must ask in respect of the movie… What The??!!

Please know that I do not intend to offend and I am genuinely grateful that you all agreed to do the movie, I’m even going to buy it on blue ray for the extras! But I just had to share how seeing this movie made a handful of devoted fans feel.

We felt robbed of a true X-Files experience!!!

I understand the “wisdom” of not wanting to “alienate” newcomers but somehow the result managed to bore potentials and alienate devotees!
Honestly, my friends and I walked out of the cinema last night wondering why anyone would cast such brilliant actors in a cop-action/terror-soap opera?
We thought we were going to see an X-File movie complete with signature mind blowing dialogue and complex scientific theories vs. mysterious phenomenon, not a jaded Scully contesting with a determined yet dispassionate Mulder (okay, so they’ve aged a bit) thrown in with the occasional search and pursuit.

Please, please, ple---ase, you need to forget about enticing new fans and concentrate on making an X-File Movie. The excited word of mouth from an established fan base is more than enough to inspire anyone new to try it on, do their homework and ultimately buy the series. Hell, EVERYONE knows the X-Files and, I imagine, the party of Generation Y’s we witnessed entering the cinema would have expected to experience a story akin with its controversial and unconventional reputation which, alas, this film did not deliver.

Having said that, my fellow fans and I will do all we can to support the sales of #2 and wait with bated breath for #3.

Thank you for your time with the blog and kindest regards to you and yours!

P.S. Personally if I had the choice, Mulder and Scully would not have become romantically involved, yet...

Caitlin said...

I saw the movie last night and I was absolutely impressed. You and Gillian were utterly wonderful and I've never loved watching you play off each other more. good luck with the numbers, but I'm telling you, it was dynamite. may there be more to come. thank you.


Caitlin said...


Tracy said...

Your appearance on Regis and Kelly today was Effin' priceless.

I'm a huge fan of the X-files (one of the few shows my husband I watched together) and am about jumping out of my skin waiting for the movie. Would you believe we can't get a sitter until Sunday? What a difference 10 years makes.

I miss discussing weekly episodes online in one of the largest web communities of the X-Files tv era, "Haven". It's no longer around, but a few of us stay close friends, watching families grow and bring their own (yes, old enough!) kids to see this film.

I don't know if we'll ever see anything like the X-Files TV show again. Sometimes I'll hear a new show described using the X-Files as an example and I'll just roll my eyes. Nothing could touch the genius that was the X-Files.

Thanks David for bringing us such fun for all those years, and thank you for continuing on. It's a great story, and your fans really, really do appreciate it.

- Tracy, the DC burbs
(PS: I have a Gillian of my own. We too call her Gilly -- she hasn't seen the show as of yet (she is 7), but I've got the DVDs ready for her when she's old enough. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi David!

I saw the movie today, and I have to tell you... This movie is...


I can't find words to describe all the emotions that I felt!
You guys did a great job! That's for sure! This movie is incredible!



Can't wait to see XF3!!

Kaline - Brasil.

Anonymous said...

Have now seen the movie twice.

Went to the midnight showing last night, got up in time to see you on Regis and Kelly, then headed out to the first matinee. I could relate when you were talking about being so tired on R&K. But I hope it's a good tired for you -- tired, but knowing that it is for a good reason. For me, it is. I can't wait to see the movie again, and I will be bringing reinforcements.

Your thoughts about the theme of the movie are of course, spot-on, and it was a pleasure to listen and observe such fine acting from you and from Gillian. Thank you. I hope that we will get to see more of M&S.

Elly said...

Thank you David!!
This is a really great film! Smart and sensual. It has surpassed all our most courageous hopes. You undoubtedly nailed it!.
it's perfect!

Thanks!! We love you!

applemiffy said...

We saw the movie tonight.
A great one!

Lori said...

My amazingly wonderful DH surprised me by making all the arrangements for us to see the movie today! It was a great date night. The movie was fantastic! Thanks very much for making it.
Also, it seems like you have been everywhere lately promoting this movie. Where do you get the strength to keep up such a crazy-busy schedule? I can only imagine it must involve copious amounts of Starbucks and M&Ms! Get some rest, man!

Amber_Mulder44 said...

I LOVED THE MOVIE!!!! I thought it was awesome, and it was worth every penny!!! I BELIEVE THERE IS GOING TO BE AN THIRD MOVIE!!!!

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